Category Archives: System Information

Ferarri CPU

Ferarri CPU
Author: xyoung
Version: 1.1
Индикатор ЦП, памяти, уровня заряда батареи. Русский перевод

Multi Meter(D)

Multi Meter(D)
Author: SFkilla
Version: 1.25
Multi Meter Dual core shows cpu usage (2cores) + memory infos + very customisable (skins / statuscolors) + shortcut options etc....

Uptime Meter

Uptime Meter
Author: SFkilla
Version: 1.5
Shows computer Uptime, Record, Time and much more, fully customisable and compliant with the THL Skinner!

Average Usage

Average Usage
Author: Indium Core
Version: 1.0
See an average of your CPU and RAM usage, neatly presented in a box which shades itself according to the resource usage.

02. Cpu

02. Cpu
Author: gersma
Version: 1.1
Monitor the cpu and ram load of your pc.


Author: gersma moded by digitalmaxx
Version: 1.4
Shows your online status, date, local ipadress, uptime, batery status and wifi information.

Secret CPU3

Secret CPU3
Author: WinBetaSecrets Pack
Version: 1.2
See the current computer CPU and system memory. Skinned by SFkilla ©2006-07 All Rights reserved to WinBetaSecrets.


Author: EXP
Display CPU information and usage history.

Imp’s Drive Info

Imp's Drive Info
Author: Imp
Version: 1.7.2
This gadget allows you to monitor one or more of your PC's drives. You also get quick access to the drives monitord by clicking on drive's icon.

iStat memory

iStat memory
Author: iSlayer
Version: 1.0
Monitor memory usage.