Imp’s Drive Info Imp's Drive Info Author: Imp Version: 1.7.1 This gadget allows you to monitor one or more of your PC's drives. You also get quick access to the drives monitord by clicking on drive's icon.
Laptop Stats Laptop Stats Author: Thomas Luckart Version: 1.01 Monitor battery usage and other aspects of the computer.
Meterz Meterz Author: 24charlie (ritesh) Version: Shows the current computer CPU and RAM useses.
Viblack Cpu/Ram Viblack Cpu/Ram Author: gersma Version: 2.0 Toont processor en ram gebruik van de computer.
Blue CPU Meter Blue CPU Meter Author: Minato999 Version: See the current computer CPU and system memory (RAM).
CPU Dial V1.00 CPU Dial V1.00 Author: DavidTiger Version: See the current computer CPU and system memory (RAM).