Engadget Headlines Engadget Headlines Author: Andy Earnshaw Version: 1.0 Shows the last 40 entries on engadget.com
QLD Weather QLD Weather Author: Soul Solutions Version: Show the latest weather from around QLD Australia.
Calendar Calendar Author: gersma moded by digitalmaxx Version: 1.4 A calendar for the desktop, its size can be changed with the undock button.
AC Clock AC Clock Author: Unknown Version: 1.0 There is no description was specified for this gadget.
Circular Clock Circular Clock Author: DanishTuts DK Version: Se tiden i din egen tidszone eller i en hvilken som helst by i verden.
Longhorn Clock Longhorn Clock Author: Microsoft Corporation Version: Ports of the good old Longhorn clocks and the World clock.
QoB Clock QoB Clock Author: Q'acheq of Borg Version: Displays the time and date in either Terran format or Q'acheq's format.