Tag Archives: windows 8.1 gadgets

Digital World Clock

Digital World Clock
Author: Sarwar - [)!9!t47 [)3v!7
Version: 2.0
Digital World Clock

Logo Clock

Logo Clock
Author: John Bruin, Imtech ICT
This is a modified version of the Microsoft Vista Clock and the iClock gadget with the possibility to put your own logo or photo on the faceplate. I have removed the diner, the flower and the novelty clocks because a logo won't fit.

Presto’s Clock

Presto's Clock
Author: Preston Hunt
Version: 1.39
Elegantly displays date and time with optional time zone information.

Skyhawk AT

Skyhawk AT
Author: Ramon Fernandez
Watch the clock in your own time zone or any city in the world plus Date.

World Clock (Day)

World Clock (Day)
Author: Jérémy Kohler
Watch the clock and choose your favorite area or the one where you live as background

CV Sound Pink

CV Sound Pink
Author: Champrenot Vincent
Version: 1
There is no description was specified for this gadget.


Author: Lumby
Version: 1.0.1
This gadget will tell you your ip address. Very usefull for hosts. Make sure you check to see if there is any updates!


Author: Christian Hass
Version: 1.2
Worlds greatest HeavyMetal station from Colorado USA

Sidebar Radio

Sidebar Radio
Author: Vokidas Productions
Version: 1.1
Listen to Internet Radio directly from the Sidebar.

UK Radio Player

UK Radio Player
Author: Robert Nicholls
Version: 1.3.6
Listen online to BBC Radio, Kiss, Virgin, Ministry of Sound, XFM and various other UK radio stations.